焦点提醒:化工生化残剩污泥不变化研究 杨宇宁, 桑军强, 秦冰, 赵锐, 岑岭(中国石化石油化工科学研究院,北京 100083) - 首 页
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- English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]杨宇宁,桑军强,秦冰,等.化工生化残剩污泥不变化研究[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(11):104-108. YANGYu-ning,SANGJun-qiang,QINBing,et al.Stabilization of Biochemical Excess Sludge from Chemical Wastewater Treatment Process[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(11):104-108.点击复制
化工生化残剩污泥不变化研究中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第38卷期数:2022年第11期页码:104-108栏目:出书日期:2022-06-01- Title:
- Stabilization of Biochemical Excess Sludge from Chemical Wastewater Treatment Process
- 作者:
- 杨宇宁, 桑军强, 秦冰, 赵锐, 岑岭
- (中国石化石油化工科学研究院,北京 100083)
- Author(s):
- YANG Yu-ning, SANG Jun-qiang, QIN Bing, ZHAO Rui, GAO Feng
- (Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Proc����APPessing, Beijing 100083, China)
- 要害词:
- 化工企业;生化残剩污泥;不变化;泥饼含水率
- Keywords:
- chemical enterprises;biochemical excess sludge;stabilization;moisture content of mud cake
- 摘要:
- 化工企业在出产进程中不成避免地发生年夜量生化残剩污泥,相较在市政残剩污泥,此类污泥含有更多的无机物,加倍难处置。为此,操纵自立研发的残剩污泥不变化处置手艺,对华南某化工场的生化残剩污泥展开工业侧线实验,获得了较好的结果。在不变剂/MLVSS=0.70、反映温度为175 ℃、反映时候为2 h的最好处置前提下,化工生化残剩污泥的不变化率可到达66%以上,减量率到达98.9%以上,泥饼含水率在60%以下;污泥脱水液pH呈中性,BOD5/COD在0.3以上,属在易生化处置的污水,且该股水量较少,可间接送至污水厂进行处置。
- Abstract:
- Chemical enterprises inevitably produce a large amount of biochemical excess sludge in the production process. Compared with municipal excess sludge, this kind of sludge contains more organic matter and is more difficult to treat. Therefore, the industrial sidestream test of biochemical excess sludge from a chemical plant in South China was carried out and good results were obtained by using the self-developed excess sludge stabilization technology. Under the optimal treatment conditions as follows: stabilizer to MLVSS ratio of 0.70, reaction temperature of 175 ℃ and reaction time of 2 h, the stabilization rate of the excess sludge was more than 66%, the reduction rate was more than 98.9%, and the moisture content of the mud cake was less than 60%. The pH of sludge dewatering liquid was neutral, and BOD5/COD was above 0.3, indicating that the sludge dewatering liquid was easily biodegradable. In addition, the volume of the sludge dewatering liquid was small, which could be directly discharged to the wastewater treatment plant.
更新日期/Last Update:2022-06-01